본문으로 건너뛰기

라우터 프로그램

프로그램용도구현할 Java인터페이스
라우터 처리 프로그램Processor
라우터 프로그램AbstractRouter

기본 라우터 외에 신규 라우터를 추가하거나, 기존 라우터의 처리 프로그램을 변경하고자 할 때 사용한다.

  • 기존 라우터의 처리 프로그램만 변경: 라우터 처리 프로그램만 개발 필요
  • 신규 라우터 추가 : 라우터 처리 프로그램라우터 프로그램을 함께 개발 필요

라우터 처리 프로그램


org.apache.camel.Processor를 구현한다.

package bxi.extension.sample;

import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Message;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import bxi.common.model.BxiMessage;

public class SampleProcessor implements Processor {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

public void process(Exchange exchange) {
Message in = exchange.getIn();
BxiMessage bxiMessage = in.getBody(BxiMessage.class);

logger.debug("message : {}", bxiMessage.getMessage());
logger.debug("standard header : {}", bxiMessage.getStdHeader());
logger.debug("body : {}", bxiMessage.getBody());


1. 프로그램 배포

BXI엔진 서버의 경로에 class파일을 업로드하고, 기본설정관리 > 프로그램배포에서 작성한 프로그램을 등록 및 배포한다.

기존 라우터의 처리 프로그램만 변경하는 경우 아래와 같이 프로그램을 변경한다. 신규 라우터를 추가하는 경우 라우터 프로그램을 참조한다.

2. 라우터 처리 프로그램 변경

라우터 프로그램

bxi.online.router.direct.AbstractRouter를 구현한다.


package bxi.extension.sample;

import bxi.online.router.direct.AbstractRouter;

public class SampleRouter extends AbstractRouter {

public SampleRouter(String beanName) {


1. 라우터 등록

플로우관리 > 라우터정보에 개발한 라우터를 등록한다.

라우터 프로그램은 기본설정관리 > 프로그램정보에는 등록하지 않으며, 동적반영도 불가하다. 따라서 배포 시 class를 플로우관리 > 라우터정보에 정의한 라우터클래스명 위치에 맞게 직접 업로드해야 한다.

2. 플로우 추가

등록한 라우터를 실제로 사용하고자 하는 플로우에 추가한다.

전체 예제

헤더부 전문 Unmarshal 프로그램

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import com.nexacro17.xapi.data.DataSet;
import com.nexacro17.xapi.data.PlatformData;
import com.nexacro17.xapi.tx.HttpPlatformRequest;

import bxi.common.constant.CamelHeader;
import bxi.common.context.ErrorLogger;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiIntrnlSysBizIO;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiMsgLayoutIO;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiMsgLayoutMngIO;
import bxi.common.enums.JavaTypeEnum;
import bxi.common.exception.BxiException;
import bxi.common.model.BxiMessage;
import bxi.common.model.XmlTypeInfo;
import bxi.common.utility.ObjectUtil;
import bxi.common.utility.StringUtil;
import bxi.extension.customizing.constant.FieldName;
import bxi.parser.base.LayoutUtil;

public class NexacroHeaderUnmarshalProcessor implements Processor {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

public void process(Exchange exchange) {
Message in = exchange.getIn();
BxiMessage bxiMessage = in.getBody(BxiMessage.class);

// Check input parameter
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(bxiMessage)) {
logger.debug("Input getBody : {}", bxiMessage);

// The message received from the Nexacro terminal is received via getMessage()
String message = bxiMessage.getMessage(String.class);
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(message)) {
ErrorLogger.errorLogging(bxiMessage, "BXIE02144");
throw new BxiException("BXIE02144");
logger.debug("message : {}", message);

/** Query header layout information of system where Nexacro terminal is defined.
* The header layout uses the information registered in the common header layout
* of the system-specific business information
BxiIntrnlSysBizIO intrnlSysBizInfo = getHeader(CamelHeader.INTERNAL_SYS_BIZ_INFO,

// Query message layout
String headerLayout = intrnlSysBizInfo.getStdMsgHdrLayout();
BxiMsgLayoutMngIO msgTrnsfrmInfo = LayoutUtil.selectMessageManagement(headerLayout);
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(msgTrnsfrmInfo)) {
ErrorLogger.errorLogging(bxiMessage, "BXIE02113", headerLayout);
throw new BxiException("BXIE02113", headerLayout);
Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> layoutMap = LayoutUtil.selectBxiMsgLayout(headerLayout);

// Extract data received from Nexacro terminal
InputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes());
HttpPlatformRequest xrequest = new HttpPlatformRequest(inStream);

// Extract XML data from Request for Nexacro
PlatformData xdata = xrequest.getData();
logger.debug("request input xml data = [{}]", xdata.saveXml());

// Extract the header data from the extracted layout data
// and store it in Unmarshal and comHeader
Map<String, Object> header = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
DataSet ds = xdata.getDataSet(FieldName.HEADER_DATASET_NAME);
if (ds != null) {
// Nexacro header unmarshal
unmarshalHeader(ds, layoutMap, headerLayout, header);
} else {
ErrorLogger.errorLogging(bxiMessage, "BXIE02113", "nexacro");
throw new BxiException("BXIE02113", "nexacro");

if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(header)) {
ErrorLogger.errorLogging(bxiMessage, "BXIE02113", headerLayout);
throw new BxiException("BXIE02113", headerLayout);
logger.debug("header : {}", header);

// Save layout information
XmlTypeInfo xmlInfo = LayoutUtil.makeXmlTypeInfo(msgTrnsfrmInfo, 0);

// Originally, we had to separate the header message from the whole message.
// but Nexacro can not be detached, so you can save the entire message as Body Message

* Nexacro header unmarshal
* The layout field data is a field name defined in the layout
* and is retrieved from the dataset and stored in the map.
* If you are in a Sub layout, create a Map for the Sub layout and unmarshal it in the same way.
* @param ds
* @param layoutMap
* @param headerLayout
* @param colData
private void unmarshalHeader(DataSet ds, Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> layoutMap,
String headerLayout, Map<String, Object> colData) {

if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(layoutMap)) {
// Inquiry message layout details
layoutMap = LayoutUtil.selectBxiMsgLayout(headerLayout);
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(layoutMap)) {
ErrorLogger.errorLogging("BXIE02158", headerLayout);
throw new BxiException("BXIE02158", headerLayout);

for (Entry<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> entry : layoutMap.entrySet()) {
BxiMsgLayoutIO layout = entry.getValue();

JavaTypeEnum type = JavaTypeEnum.getByCode(layout.getFldTypeCd());
if (type == JavaTypeEnum.OMM) {
Map<String, Object> sub = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
unmarshalHeader(ds, null, layout.getFldFormat(), sub);
colData.put(layout.getFldNm(), sub);
} else {
colData.put(layout.getFldNm(), ds.getObject(0, layout.getFldNm()));

전문 형식이 다른 경우 개별부 전문 Unmarshal 프로그램

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import com.nexacro17.xapi.data.DataSet;
import com.nexacro17.xapi.data.PlatformData;
import com.nexacro17.xapi.tx.HttpPlatformRequest;
import com.nexacro17.xapi.tx.PlatformException;

import bxi.common.constant.CamelHeader;
import bxi.common.context.ErrorLogger;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiMsgLayoutIO;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiMsgLayoutMngIO;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiOnlineIntrfcIO;
import bxi.common.enums.JavaTypeEnum;
import bxi.common.enums.RequestResponseKindEnum;
import bxi.common.exception.BxiException;
import bxi.common.model.BxiMessage;
import bxi.common.model.XmlTypeInfo;
import bxi.common.utility.ObjectUtil;
import bxi.common.utility.StringUtil;
import bxi.extension.customizing.constant.FieldName;
import bxi.parser.base.LayoutUtil;

public class NexacroBodyUnmarshalProcessor implements Processor {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

public void process(Exchange exchange) {
Message in = exchange.getIn();
BxiMessage bxiMessage = in.getBody(BxiMessage.class);

// Check input parameter
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(bxiMessage)) {
logger.debug("Input getBody : {}", bxiMessage);

// The message received from the Nexacro terminal is received via getMessage()
String message = bxiMessage.getMessage(String.class);
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(message)) {
ErrorLogger.errorLogging(bxiMessage, "BXIE02144");
throw new BxiException("BXIE02144");
logger.debug("message : {}", message);

// Do not marshall the body unless transaction specific information is registered.
BxiOnlineIntrfcIO onlIntrfcInfo = getHeader(CamelHeader.ONLINE_INTERFACE_INFO,
String msgBodyLayout = bodyMsgLayout(onlIntrfcInfo, bxiMessage.getRqstRspsDscd());
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(msgBodyLayout)) {

// Body message unmarshal
if (unmarshalBody(bxiMessage, msgBodyLayout)) {
throw new BxiException("BXIE02109");

* Body message unmarshal
* @param bxiMessage
* @param msgBodyLayout
* @return
* @throws Exception
private boolean unmarshalBody(BxiMessage bxiMessage, String msgBodyLayout)
throws Exception {

logger.debug("msgBodyLayout : {}", msgBodyLayout);

// Inquiry message layout
BxiMsgLayoutMngIO msgTrnsfrmInfo = LayoutUtil.selectMessageManagement(msgBodyLayout);
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(msgTrnsfrmInfo)) {
ErrorLogger.errorLogging(bxiMessage, "BXIE02109", msgBodyLayout);
return true;
Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> layoutMap = LayoutUtil.selectBxiMsgLayout(msgBodyLayout);

// Extract data received from Nexacro terminal
PlatformData xdata = getNexacroXmlData(bxiMessage);

// Extract individual data from the extracted layout data
// and store it in body by Unmarshal
Map<String, Object> body = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
setNexacroXmlToMap(body, layoutMap, xdata);

logger.debug("InternalBody : {}", body);

// Save layout information
XmlTypeInfo xmlInfo = LayoutUtil.makeXmlTypeInfo(msgTrnsfrmInfo, 0);

return false;

* Extract data received from Nexacro terminal
* @param bxiMessage
* @return PltformData
* @throws PlatformException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
private PlatformData getNexacroXmlData(BxiMessage bxiMessage)
throws PlatformException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

// Request Extraction for Nexacro
byte[] byteMessage = ((String) bxiMessage.getMessage()).getBytes();
InputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteMessage);
HttpPlatformRequest xrequest = new HttpPlatformRequest(inStream);

// Extract XML data from Request for Nexacro
logger.debug("request body input xml data = [{}]", xrequest.getData().saveXml());
return xrequest.getData();

* Change Nexacro Xml data to Map
* @param body
* @param layoutMap
* @param xdata
private void setNexacroXmlToMap(Map<String, Object> body, Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> layoutMap,
PlatformData xdata) {

// All fields in the top-level layout are passed to the Root DataSet
DataSet dsRoot = xdata.getDataSet(FieldName.ROOT_DATASET_NAME);

// Parses Nexacro Xml data to Map to a defined layout
for (Entry<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> entry : layoutMap.entrySet()) {
BxiMsgLayoutIO layout = entry.getValue();

JavaTypeEnum type = JavaTypeEnum.getByCode(layout.getFldTypeCd());
// List
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(layout.getArrayRefNm())) {
List<Map<String, Object>> listMap = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
DataSet dsTemp = xdata.getDataSet(layout.getFldNm());
if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(dsTemp)) {
for (int i = 0; i < dsTemp.getRowCount(); i++) {
Map<String, Object> row = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
unmarshalNexacro(i, dsTemp, null, layout.getFldFormat(), row);

body.put(layout.getFldNm(), listMap);
// OMM
else if (type == JavaTypeEnum.OMM) {
DataSet dsTemp = xdata.getDataSet(layout.getFldNm());
if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(dsTemp)) {
Map<String, Object> sub = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
unmarshalNexacro(0, dsTemp, null, layout.getFldFormat(), sub);

body.put(layout.getFldNm(), sub);
// Field
else {
body.put(layout.getFldNm(), dsRoot.getObject(0, layout.getFldNm()));

* Nexacro bidy unmarshal
* @param ds
* @param layoutMap
* @param colData
private void unmarshalNexacro(int crow, DataSet ds, Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> layoutMap,
String msgBodyLayout, Map<String, Object> colData) {

if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(layoutMap)) {
// Inquiry message layout details
layoutMap = LayoutUtil.selectBxiMsgLayout(msgBodyLayout);

if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(layoutMap)) {
ErrorLogger.errorLogging("BXIE02158", msgBodyLayout);
throw new BxiException("BXIE02158", msgBodyLayout);

for (Entry<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> entry : layoutMap.entrySet()) {
BxiMsgLayoutIO layout = entry.getValue();

JavaTypeEnum type = JavaTypeEnum.getByCode(layout.getFldTypeCd());
if (type == JavaTypeEnum.OMM) {
Map<String, Object> sub = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
unmarshalNexacro(crow, ds, null, layout.getFldFormat(), sub);
colData.put(layout.getFldNm(), sub);
} else {
colData.put(layout.getFldNm(), ds.getObject(crow, layout.getFldNm()));

* Body DtoName Lookup
* @param onlIntrfcInfo
* @param rqstRspsDscd
private String bodyMsgLayout(BxiOnlineIntrfcIO onlIntrfcInfo, String rqstRspsDscd) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(rqstRspsDscd)) {
return null;

RequestResponseKindEnum rqstRsps = RequestResponseKindEnum.getByCode(rqstRspsDscd);
if (rqstRsps == RequestResponseKindEnum.REQUEST) {
return onlIntrfcInfo.getRqstMsgLayout();
} else {
return onlIntrfcInfo.getRspsMsgLayout();

전문 구조가 다른 경우 개별부 전문 Unmarshal 프로그램

import java.util.Map;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import bxi.common.constant.CamelHeader;
import bxi.common.constant.Constant;
import bxi.common.context.ErrorLogger;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiIntrnlSysBizIO;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiMsgLayoutMngIO;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiOnlineIntrfcIO;
import bxi.common.enums.RequestResponseKindEnum;
import bxi.common.exception.BxiException;
import bxi.common.model.BxiMessage;
import bxi.common.model.XmlTypeInfo;
import bxi.common.utility.ObjectUtil;
import bxi.common.utility.StringUtil;
import bxi.extension.customizing.constant.FieldName;
import bxi.parser.Unmarshaller;
import bxi.parser.base.LayoutUtil;

public class BcMciBodyUnmarshalProcessor implements Processor {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

public void process(Exchange exchange) {
Message in = exchange.getIn();
BxiMessage bxiMessage = in.getBody(BxiMessage.class);

// Check input parameter
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(bxiMessage)) {
logger.debug("Input getBody : {}", bxiMessage);

// Verification of individual part except header part
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(bxiMessage.getBodyMessage())) {
logger.debug("BodyMessage is Null Or Space");

// Online interface information inquiry
BxiOnlineIntrfcIO onlIntrfcInfo = getHeader(CamelHeader.ONLINE_INTERFACE_INFO,

// Unmarshal the message part only for the response
RequestResponseKindEnum rqstRsps = RequestResponseKindEnum.getByCode(
if (rqstRsps == RequestResponseKindEnum.RESPONSE) {
// Message part unmarshal
BxiIntrnlSysBizIO intrnlSysBizInfo = getHeader(CamelHeader.INTERNAL_SYS_BIZ_INFO,
unmarshalResponseMessage(intrnlSysBizInfo, bxiMessage);

// Individual layout inquiry
String msgBodyLayout = bodyMsgLayout(onlIntrfcInfo, bxiMessage.getRqstRspsDscd());
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(msgBodyLayout)) {

// Body message unmarshal
if (unmarshalBody(bxiMessage, msgBodyLayout)) {
throw new BxiException("BXIE02109");

* Message part unmarshal
* @param intrnlSysBizInfo
* @param bxiMessage
* @return
* @throws Exception
private Map<String, Object> unmarshalResponseMessage(BxiIntrnlSysBizIO intrnlSysBizInfo,
BxiMessage bxiMessage) throws Exception {

// Unmarshal message part
Map<String, Object> messageMap = Unmarshaller.unmarshal(intrnlSysBizInfo.getChlMsgTypeCd(),
FieldName.MESSAGE_LAYOUT_NAME, bxiMessage.getBodyMessage(),
intrnlSysBizInfo.getMsgCharSetCd(), false, null);

logger.debug("messageMap: {}", messageMap);

// Returns if there is no message part data
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(messageMap)) {
return null;

int length = (int) messageMap.get(Constant.MESSAGE_LENGTH_NAME);

// Save layout information
BxiMsgLayoutMngIO msgTrnsfrmInfo = LayoutUtil.selectMessageManagement(
XmlTypeInfo xmlInfo = LayoutUtil.makeXmlTypeInfo(msgTrnsfrmInfo, length);

return messageMap;

* Body message unmarshal
* @param bxiMessage
* @param msgBodyLayout
* @return
private boolean unmarshalBody(BxiMessage bxiMessage, String msgBodyLayout) {
// System business information
BxiIntrnlSysBizIO intrnlSysBizInfo = getHeader(CamelHeader.INTERNAL_SYS_BIZ_INFO,

if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("messageType : {}", intrnlSysBizInfo.getChlMsgTypeCd());
logger.debug("msgBodyLayout : {}", msgBodyLayout);
logger.debug("bodyMessage : {}", bxiMessage.getBodyMessage());

// Query layout information
BxiMsgLayoutMngIO msgTrnsfrmInfo = LayoutUtil.selectMessageManagement(msgBodyLayout);
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(msgTrnsfrmInfo)) {
ErrorLogger.errorLogging(bxiMessage, "BXIE02109", msgBodyLayout);
return true;

// Unmarshal
Map<String, Object> body = Unmarshaller.unmarshal(intrnlSysBizInfo.getChlMsgTypeCd(),
msgBodyLayout, bxiMessage.getBodyMessage(), intrnlSysBizInfo.getMsgCharSetCd(),
false, null);
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(body)) {
ErrorLogger.errorLogging(bxiMessage, "BXIE02109", msgBodyLayout);
return true;
int length = (int) body.get(Constant.MESSAGE_LENGTH_NAME);

// Save layout information
XmlTypeInfo xmlInfo = LayoutUtil.makeXmlTypeInfo(msgTrnsfrmInfo, length);

logger.debug("InternalBody : {}", body);


return false;

* Body DtoName Lookup
* @param onlIntrfcInfo
* @param rqstRspsDscd
private String bodyMsgLayout(BxiOnlineIntrfcIO onlIntrfcInfo, String rqstRspsDscd) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(rqstRspsDscd)) {
return null;

RequestResponseKindEnum rqstRsps = RequestResponseKindEnum.getByCode(rqstRspsDscd);
if (rqstRsps == RequestResponseKindEnum.REQUEST) {
return onlIntrfcInfo.getRqstMsgLayout();
} else {
return onlIntrfcInfo.getRspsMsgLayout();

전문 Marshal 프로그램

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import com.nexacro17.xapi.data.DataSet;
import com.nexacro17.xapi.data.DataTypes;
import com.nexacro17.xapi.data.PlatformData;
import com.nexacro17.xapi.data.VariableList;
import com.nexacro17.xapi.tx.PlatformResponse;

import bxi.common.constant.CamelHeader;
import bxi.common.context.ErrorLogger;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiIntrnlSysBizIO;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiMsgLayoutIO;
import bxi.common.dao.dto.BxiOnlineIntrfcIO;
import bxi.common.enums.JavaTypeEnum;
import bxi.common.exception.BxiException;
import bxi.common.model.BxiMessage;
import bxi.common.utility.CharsetUtil;
import bxi.common.utility.ObjectUtil;
import bxi.common.utility.StringUtil;
import bxi.extension.customizing.constant.FieldName;
import bxi.online.common.DaoProcess;
import bxi.parser.base.LayoutUtil;

public class NexacroMarshalProcessor implements Processor {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

private DaoProcess daoProcess;

public void process(Exchange exchange) {
Message in = exchange.getIn();
BxiMessage bxiMessage = in.getBody(BxiMessage.class);

// Check input parameter
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(bxiMessage)) {
logger.debug("Input getBody : {}", bxiMessage);

// System business information inquiry
BxiIntrnlSysBizIO intrnlSysBizInfo = internalSystemBizInfo(bxiMessage);

// Preparing to generate Nexacro Xml data
DataSet headerDS = new DataSet(FieldName.HEADER_DATASET_NAME);
PlatformData xdata = new PlatformData();
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PlatformResponse xresponse = new PlatformResponse(outStream);

// Convert header part to Nexacro layout format
marshalNexacroHeader(bxiMessage, intrnlSysBizInfo.getStdMsgHdrLayout(), headerDS, xdata);

// Convert message part to Nexacro layout format if message part exists
if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(bxiMessage.getErrMessage())) {
marshalNexacroMessage(bxiMessage.getComHeader(), bxiMessage.getErrMessage(), xdata);

// Convert individual parts to Nexacro layout format if separate parts exist
if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(bxiMessage.getBody())) {
BxiOnlineIntrfcIO onlIntrfcInfo = getHeader(CamelHeader.ONLINE_INTERFACE_INFO,
marshalNexacroBody(bxiMessage.getBody(), onlIntrfcInfo.getRspsMsgLayout(), xdata);

logger.debug("NexacroMarshal result : {}", xdata.saveXml());

// Save Nexacro Response Data

logger.debug("Send Message : {}", outStream.toString());

// Setting Nexacro Response Data in BXI

* Convert header part to Nexacro layout format
* @param bxiMessage
* @param headerLayout
* @param headerDS
* @param xdata
private void marshalNexacroHeader(BxiMessage bxiMessage, String headerLayout,
DataSet headerDS, PlatformData xdata) {

// Query header layout information
Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> layoutMap = LayoutUtil.selectBxiMsgLayout(headerLayout);

// Header data
Map<String, Object> mapHeader = bxiMessage.getComHeader();

// Generate Nexacro DataSet Column data for a defined layout layout
for (Entry<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> entry : layoutMap.entrySet()) {
BxiMsgLayoutIO layout = entry.getValue();
int xformType = convertTypeDescriptor(layout.getFldTypeCd());
headerDS.addColumn(layout.getFldNm(), xformType, layout.getFldLen());

// Generate Nexacro DataSet Row data for a defined layout layout
int rowNumHeader = headerDS.newRow();
for (Entry<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> entry : layoutMap.entrySet()) {
BxiMsgLayoutIO layout = entry.getValue();
int xformType = convertTypeDescriptor(layout.getFldTypeCd());
if (xformType == DataTypes.UNDEFINED) {

headerDS.set(rowNumHeader, layout.getFldNm(), mapHeader.get(layout.getFldNm()));

* Convert message part to Nexacro layout format
* @param headerMap
* @param messageMap
* @param xdata
private void marshalNexacroMessage(Map<String, Object> headerMap, Map<String, Object> messageMap,
PlatformData xdata) {

// Query message layout information
Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> msgLayoutMap = LayoutUtil.selectBxiMsgLayout(

// Query message detail layout information
Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> msgDetailLayoutMap = LayoutUtil.selectBxiMsgLayout(

DataSet dsMsg = new DataSet(FieldName.MESSAGE_DATASET_NAME);
addColumnMessageDataSet(dsMsg, msgLayoutMap, msgDetailLayoutMap, messageMap);

List<Map<String, Object>> list = (List<Map<String, Object>>) messageMap.get(

for (Map<String, Object> map : list) {
int rowNum = dsMsg.newRow();
for (Entry<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> entryDetail : msgDetailLayoutMap.entrySet()) {
BxiMsgLayoutIO layoutDetail = entryDetail.getValue();
dsMsg.set(rowNum, layoutDetail.getFldNm(), map.get(layoutDetail.getFldNm()));

// Insert ErrorCode value -1 in Nexacro Parameter if error response
// 1: System error, 2: Business error, 3: DB error
if ("1".equals(headerMap.get(FieldName.RESPONSE_DIVISION_CODE))
|| "2".equals(headerMap.get(FieldName.RESPONSE_DIVISION_CODE))
|| "3".equals(headerMap.get(FieldName.RESPONSE_DIVISION_CODE))) {

VariableList varList = xdata.getVariableList();
varList.add(FieldName.NEXACRO_ERR_CD, -1);
varList.add(FieldName.NEXACRO_ERR_MSG, dsMsg.saveXml());

* Convert individual part to Nexacro layout format
* @param bodyMap
* @param msgBodyLayout
* @param xdata
private void marshalNexacroBody(Map<String, Object> bodyMap, String msgBodyLayout,
PlatformData xdata) {

// Query individual layout information
Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> bodyLayoutMap = LayoutUtil.selectBxiMsgLayout(msgBodyLayout);

DataSet dsRoot = new DataSet(FieldName.ROOT_DATASET_NAME);
addColumnDataSet(dsRoot, bodyLayoutMap, null);
int rootRowNum = dsRoot.newRow();

List<Map<String, Object>> list = null;
for (Entry<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> entry : bodyLayoutMap.entrySet()) {
BxiMsgLayoutIO layout = entry.getValue();

JavaTypeEnum type = JavaTypeEnum.getByCode(layout.getFldTypeCd());
// List
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(layout.getArrayRefNm())) {
DataSet dsTemp = new DataSet(layout.getFldNm());
addColumnDataSet(dsTemp, null, layout.getFldFormat());

list = (List<Map<String, Object>>) bodyMap.get(layout.getFldNm());
if (list != null) {
for (Map<String, Object> map : list) {
int rowNum = dsTemp.newRow();
addRowDataSet(rowNum, dsTemp, layout.getFldFormat(), map);
// OMM
else if (type == JavaTypeEnum.OMM) {
Map<String, Object> sub = (Map<String, Object>) bodyMap.get(layout.getFldNm());
DataSet dsTemp = new DataSet(layout.getFldNm());
addColumnDataSet(dsTemp, null, layout.getFldFormat());

int rowNum = dsTemp.newRow();
addRowDataSet(rowNum, dsTemp, layout.getFldFormat(), sub);
// Field
else {
dsRoot.set(rootRowNum, layout.getFldNm(), bodyMap.get(layout.getFldNm()));

logger.debug("NexacroMarshal result : {}", xdata.saveXml());

* Generate column information of message part DataSet
* @param dsTemp
* @param layoutMap
* @param layoutDetailMap
* @param messageMap
private void addColumnMessageDataSet(DataSet dsTemp, Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> layoutMap,
Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> layoutDetailMap, Map<String, Object> messageMap) {

for (Entry<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> entry : layoutMap.entrySet()) {
BxiMsgLayoutIO layout = entry.getValue();

if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(layout.getArrayRefNm())) {
for (Entry<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> detailEntry : layoutDetailMap.entrySet()) {
BxiMsgLayoutIO layoutDetail = detailEntry.getValue();
int xformType = convertTypeDescriptor(layoutDetail.getFldTypeCd());
if (xformType == DataTypes.UNDEFINED) {
dsTemp.addColumn(layoutDetail.getFldNm(), xformType, layoutDetail.getFldLen());
} else {
dsTemp.addConstantColumn(layout.getFldNm(), messageMap.get(layout.getFldNm()));

* Generate column information of individual part DataSet
* @param dsTemp
* @param layoutMap
* @param msgBodyLayout
private void addColumnDataSet(DataSet dsTemp, Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> layoutMap,
String msgBodyLayout) {

if (layoutMap == null) {
// Query message detail layout information
layoutMap = LayoutUtil.selectBxiMsgLayout(msgBodyLayout);

for (Entry<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> entry : layoutMap.entrySet()) {
BxiMsgLayoutIO layout = entry.getValue();

int xformType = convertTypeDescriptor(layout.getFldTypeCd());
if (xformType == DataTypes.UNDEFINED) {
dsTemp.addColumn(layout.getFldNm(), xformType, layout.getFldLen());

* Generate Row information of individual part DataSet
* @param rowNum
* @param dsTemp
* @param msgBodyLayout
* @param sub
private void addRowDataSet(int rowNum, DataSet dsTemp, String msgBodyLayout,
Map<String, Object> sub) {

// Query message detail layout information
Map<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> layoutMap = LayoutUtil.selectBxiMsgLayout(msgBodyLayout);

for (Entry<String, BxiMsgLayoutIO> entry : layoutMap.entrySet()) {
BxiMsgLayoutIO layout = entry.getValue();
dsTemp.set(rowNum, layout.getFldNm(), sub.get(layout.getFldNm()));

* Extracting the field type for the DataSet
* @param type
* @return
private int convertTypeDescriptor(String type) {
if (type.toUpperCase().equals("STRING")) {
return DataTypes.STRING;
} else if (type.toUpperCase().equals("BOOLEAN")) {
return DataTypes.BOOLEAN;
} else if (type.toUpperCase().equals("DOUBLE")) {
return DataTypes.DOUBLE;
} else if (type.toUpperCase().equals("FLOAT")) {
return DataTypes.FLOAT;
} else if (type.toUpperCase().equals("INTEGER")) {
return DataTypes.INT;
} else if (type.toUpperCase().equals("LONG")) {
return DataTypes.LONG;
} else if (type.toUpperCase().equals("DATE")) {
return DataTypes.DATE_TIME;
} else if (type.toUpperCase().equals("BIGDECIMAL")) {
return DataTypes.BIG_DECIMAL;
} else {
return DataTypes.UNDEFINED;

* System business information inquiry
* @param bxiMessage
* @return
private BxiIntrnlSysBizIO internalSystemBizInfo(BxiMessage bxiMessage) {
BxiIntrnlSysBizIO intrnlSysBizInfo = null;
String sysId = null;

if (bxiMessage.isErrorResponseFlag()) {
intrnlSysBizInfo = getHeader(CamelHeader.INTERNAL_SYS_BIZ_INFO,
sysId = bxiMessage.getSysId();
} else {
intrnlSysBizInfo = getHeader(CamelHeader.SEND_SYS_BIZ_INFO,
sysId = bxiMessage.getSendSysId();
if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(intrnlSysBizInfo)) {
return intrnlSysBizInfo;

intrnlSysBizInfo = daoProcess.selectInternalSystemBizInfo(bxiMessage, sysId,
if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(intrnlSysBizInfo)) {
ErrorLogger.errorLogging(bxiMessage, "BXIE02025",
bxiMessage.getSendSysId(), bxiMessage.getBizCd());
throw new BxiException("BXIE02025",
bxiMessage.getSendSysId(), bxiMessage.getBizCd());

if (bxiMessage.isErrorResponseFlag()) {
setHeader(CamelHeader.INTERNAL_SYS_BIZ_INFO, intrnlSysBizInfo);
} else {
setHeader(CamelHeader.SEND_SYS_BIZ_INFO, intrnlSysBizInfo);

return intrnlSysBizInfo;